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      Relief Funding PD: Improve Student Engagement

      Posted by Boxlight on Jun 23, 2021 9:15:00 AM


      There is countless research that says an engaging learning environment supports student achievement and success. As a former classroom teacher, my favorite memories are of seeing my students totally into a project, hearing them talk with their classmates about what they were doing, and celebrating their successes when they understood a concept or completed a project they worked so hard on. A classroom should be a place for conversation and collaboration, combined with critical thinking and creativity.

      Now, student engagement can be supported with several amazing digital tools that ramp up interaction and collaboration. Boxlight-EOS has designed a professional development seminar that helps teachers enhance their skills using digital tools, as well as learn best practices for incorporating more peer-to-peer accountability and how gamification and student choice can foster a truly engaged learning environment.

      For more on this Boxlight-EOS professional development offering, click here: Improve Student Engagement.

      Topics: Professional Development for Teachers, Relief Package


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