Partner Insider

aBoVe Partner Virtual Event – Recordings Available

Posted by Boxlight on Sep 21, 2020 9:45:00 AM


On August 20, 2020, we held our first Boxlight Virtual Event for Partners. The event began with CEO Michael Pope sharing a short video of the successful and supportive relationship we have with Clayton County Public Schools. If you haven’t already done so, listen to a podcast with both April Mayo, Director of Instructional Technology with CCPS, and Dr. Alex Leis, CEO of Boxlight-EOS: Clayton County Schools GA – The Return to School and the Use of High Tech Professional Development. This was followed by a brief discussion of the state of education and our mission in the global smart education and learning market, as well as Boxlight financial and product highlights.

Boxlight is committed to ‘Better solutions. Better results’ and our education technology solutions are helping us stand out in the market. The early afternoon was spent diving deeper into those solutions — STEM, Professional Development, MimioConnect blended learning platform, and MimioClarity classroom audio system. These solutions help make up the Connected Classroom, where continuous teaching and learning is ensured and enhanced.

If you were unable to attend the aBove Partner event, you can access recordings of each session. Please contact


Topics: partner communications, PartnerConnect, aBoVE


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