Partner Insider

Announcing the NEW Opportunities and Orders Feature on Your Partner Resources Home Page

Posted by Andrew Mauriello on Feb 24, 2015 10:20:38 AM

PartnerBlog_oppandordersWe are very excited to bring the NEW Opportunities and Order feature to your Partner Resources Home Page. This enhancement brings you two additional features that will help you manage your business. The first will give you visibility into your closed sales history with Mimio. The second feature will allow you to see your open sales opportunities. This can assist you with efforts to follow up with customers.

How it works:

The Partner Resources Home page now has a new green button titled ‘MY OPPORTUNITIES AND ORDERS’. Click on it to see these features (only SOR opportunities). The ‘Orders’ tab represents your closed sales history. The ‘Opportunities’ tab is your open sales opportunities. Both tabs will give a total count and price of the corresponding information.

Upon entering the page you will experience a small delay (less than a 1 minute) while it retrieves your organization’s opportunities and orders going back one year. Your open sales opportunities will display first. Select the Orders tab to see your closed sales history. If your organization has more than one person, you will have the opportunity to view by each individual or as a combined group. In addition, you can filter by School, State, or Opportunity Creation Date.

By default, the opportunities are sorted by creation, with the most recent at the top. For each opportunity you will see the SOR #, the PO# (just orders), the school name, the dates the opportunity was created and closed (or will close), the stage (just open opportunities), your name or a colleague’s name and the prices and products ordered including any line items for shipping costs. The SOR# will not be shown for open opportunities, except for those in the Approved SOR/Active stage. For those orders where we have shipping details you will see a link titled ‘Show Shipped Products……..’. When you click on this link it will expand to show what has shipped, including the tracking and serial numbers (for serialized products only).

We hope this new tool with make the order and opportunity information more readily available to you and your team. As this is a new enhancement and interface please let us know if see anything doesn’t appear correct or working properly. We also welcome your feedback and suggestions, simply drop us a line at


Andrew Mauriello
Director of Operations, Mimio

Topics: Partner Resources


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