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      Boxlight Relief Funding Guide is Now Available

      Posted by Boxlight on Apr 21, 2021 8:45:00 AM


      Since late March 2020, the federal government has approved relief funding to help states address challenges to student learning caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA), and the American Rescue Plan will provide approximately $190 billion to the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Education Relief (ESSER) fund. Of course, with the availability of funds come many questions such as - How can these funds be used? When do they need to be used by? Where should we start?

      Boxlight has developed a Relief Funding Guide that can help answer those questions, and more. When considering investments that will affect a district and their students for many years to come, decision-makers want to ensure that the resources selected meet key criteria such as customizable options, technology compatibility, and training with ongoing support. The Guide’s checklist will help administrators identify those criteria and help them move forward in the decision-making process.

      To get your free copy of the Relief Funding Guide, click here.

      Topics: Funding, Relief Package


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