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Case Study: Making 1-to-1 a Reality in Cañon City Schools

Posted by Boxlight on Jan 25, 2021 10:36:52 AM

Canon City-image-FB

Cañon City Schools is a school district in Colorado (U.S.) and funding is generally difficult to obtain. In 2017, the Mill Levy allowed funding to be designated to specific devices which helped the school district move toward a more ‘Future Focused’ educational approach. The district’s goals included incorporating more interactive technology to adapt to students’ learning needs. The mill levy allowed schools to implement a 1:1 Chromebook program and start investigating interactive devices for classrooms to work alongside Chromebooks.

In August, 2020, Cañon City Schools invested in Clevertouch Impact™ panels on mobile carts which were installed in all K-5 classrooms. Besides compatibility with Chromebooks, the district chose the Impact panels for a number of reasons including the Clevershare collaboration app which allows for content sharing from any device, and the ability to use the Android system directly on the panel. Teachers incorporate more collaborative learning that was wireless and untethered from their computers and desks.

Says Dan Coppa, Instructional Technology Coach for Cañon City Schools, “When COVID happened, we had to adjust so much in the present moment and the panels allowed us to adapt and become more mobile overall in the district.”

In the classroom, teachers have successfully adapted to the new technology and utilize many of the different features on the Impact panels. Teachers enjoy using ClassLink on the Chrome browser which has made it easy to access all of their online curriculum directly on the panel.

“Even the more resistant teachers are using the Clevertouch panels as an instructional tool every day in the classroom. (They) find the panels very easy to navigate, which was a main reason the Clevertouch panels were chosen” states Coppa.

To read the case study on how Cañon City Schools has benefited from Clevertouch Impact Panels, click here.


Topics: Case Studies, Clevertouch


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