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      Clevertouch Helps Create a Digital-First Office Space

      Posted by Boxlight on Apr 22, 2021 9:15:00 AM

      The British Computer Society-partner

      The British Computer Society (BCS, U.K.) was faced with the immense challenge of relocating 260 staff members with a focus on creating a digital-first environment. Says Hazel Reason, Senior Facilities Manager at BCS, “The transition from office-to-office made me realize we only had a few video screens and some old projectors. One of our key principles for this new project was to make sure we were ‘digital first’ by investing in technology which improves communication and collaboration.”

      After a demonstration of the Clevertouch® UX Pro touchscreen, the decision was made to invest in the Clevertouch solution, including the Media Player and room booking system. Hazel Reason, Senior Facilities Manager at BCS, commented:

      We use the (Clevertouch Technologies) Media Player when we have a video presentation from our CEO. We can cast it to reception area onto our 75-inch display screen whilst having the sound played across two floors through our sound system. This new way of communicating is really cool and exciting!

      Since using the Clevertouch UX Pro touchscreens solution, feedback from the BCS team has been very positive. Reason shared, “Clevertouch screens and the video-conferencing system are being used daily by our creatives who prefer this new way of working over working remotely.”

      For more on this positive experience, read the case study here.


      Topics: Case Studies, Clevertouch


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