Partner Insider

Consolidation of Boxlight Partner Sites

Posted by Boxlight on May 4, 2020 12:00:00 PM

Partner Resources Site-v2-1

In an effort to improve user experience, the Partner Resources site will be consolidated from two portals – North American portal and global portal – to one. This means that users going to the old platform/site on or will be redirected to the new site.

The new Partner Resources site has a more expansive view, making it easier to view all the Boxlight resources available thus improving user experience.

The consolidated site will include content on the new Distance Teaching Essentials (DTE) and Platform Essentials (PE) programs. These programs are designed to help educators succeed with distance learning by providing purposeful, easy to access professional development and teaching tools. 

To improve security, users will need to register on the new Boxlight Partner Resources site: Current login information will no longer work.The old partner portals will be redirected to our new site 

Enjoy and stay safe!

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