Partner Insider

June Announcements: New Projectors, New Guide, and ISTE

Posted by Stevan Vigneaux on Jun 14, 2016 8:30:00 AM
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June has been a busy month for us, and it's not even over!

We have some exciting news that you will see take effect over the next few weeks. Mimio and Boxlight will be premiering together at ISTE 2016 (booth 3311). We are extremely excited to be able to share with everyone what our joined forces will enable us to offer schools, educators, and students. To see everything we are doing at ISTE, check out our pre-show Web page.


New P12 Series Will be Announced this Week

P12Series.jpgThe NEW P12 interactive projector series will be announced online and through the press this week, and we’ll be demonstrating the series at ISTE. The P12 series includes laser interactive projectors, laser ultra-wide projectors, laser HD projectors, and a new standard version. We have posted images and sell sheets on Partner Resources for your use.


New Guide: Launch Tech in Your Schools Successfully

MC183_LaunchTechnologyinYourSchoolsSuccessfully_sp.jpgWe want customers to see you, our resellers, as their partners in the planning process for their next technology launch. To help them get oriented, we have created a new guide to successfully launching technology in schools. It includes a special section on why partner relationships can be key to the successful launch of ed-tech. This valuable guide is available on Partner Resources for your marketing purposes.


Website and Collateral Changes

As ISTE approaches, we’ll be taking more steps to bring together the Mimio and Boxlight companies. We’ll be premiering a new home page and other Web pages to better support our joint brand and message. This will align with the new collateral premiering at ISTE. The new collateral and Web pages will be focused on solutions for schools’ learning needs instead of individual products.

The new collateral will be posted the week prior to ISTE on Partner Resources.


We are very excited about these new developments and look forward to seeing those of you who can attend ISTE 2016. If you have any specific product questions, please reach out to your sales representative.



Topics: Free Content, Product Announcement


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