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New Guides to Support Boxlight Products

Posted by Lori Page on May 25, 2018 10:15:00 AM
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We are excited to announce several new guides to assist your customers in evaluating and funding new interactive technology. These guides include our newest products: the ProColor touch table, MimioFrame™ touch board kit, and MimioSpace™ collaborative system.

Funding Guides

MC127_InteractiveFundingGuide_VigHow do your customers get the funding they need for the technology they want? Boxlight has created five downloadable funding guides to help. Each guide focuses on a single fund and explains specifically how Boxlight technology or software qualifies for that fund. 

  • Title I, Part A: College and Career Readiness
  • Title I, Section 1003(g) School Improvement Grants
  • 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Title IV, Part B
  • Race to the Top
  • Charter Schools Fund

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Whole-Class Interactive Guide

WholeClassGuide_Tablet_2ndEdSelecting whole-class learning solutions made easy! As your customers strive to find ways to better engage students and motivate learning, using interactive technology in the classroom can be key to this goal. But the search for the right interactive solution—one that offers clear images, touch technology, collaborative abilities, seamless integration, and fits your budget—can be daunting. How do they dig through all the jargon and hype to find the right solution for their curriculum, teachers, students, and budget? By using Boxlight's guide to help discover the key factors for selecting the right front-of-classroom and student technology.

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Guide on Partner Resources:


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