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Partner Announcement: Accessory and Refurbished Product Online Store

Posted by Hank Nance on Sep 4, 2017 10:06:00 AM

Screen Shot 2017-08-25 at 4.37.21 PM.pngWe are excited to tell you all about a project that has been going on behind the scenes: Our new accessory and refurbished product store!

We want to stress that we are not selling or pursuing direct relationships with customers for current products and are not setting up a competing sales team.

Why an Online Store?
With the merger of Boxlight and Mimio, we have built up a restock of refurbished inventory worth several hundred thousand dollars. We have tried other avenues to sell refurbished goods, but they were costly and time consuming. In addition, this store will make it possible for schools to utilize these products instead of leaving them to collect dust on our warehouse shelves.

This new store will make it easier for customers to find and support themselves without going through a lead-to-salesperson and then partner-to-end-customer process for simple accessories such as cords or replacement items.

Our online store will go live in the next 7–10 days.

Store Highlights:

  • All Boxlight refurbished goods will come with a 1-year hardware warranty.
  • All products containing lamps will offer a 90-day lamp warranty.
  • We will be offering accessories currently sold through our service department, including:
    • Lamps
    • Cables
    • Filters
    • Remotes
    • Styli
    • And more.

Partner Discounts on Store Items
You might think that we haven’t taken our partners into consideration and that you might like to purchase some of our refurbished goods—we encourage it! Our partners will be offered 15% off any published refurbished items, regardless of cost. If it's online, you can order it for 15% off the published price.

Accessories will be published online and sold at RRSP. If it is not on the price list and showing online (i.e. a filter for a legacy Dallas projector), you can order it for 15% off the published price.

If you are interested in purchasing accessories or refurbished product from the store contact us at and we can assist you.

We are thrilled for the new store to go live and even more excited for the positive impact it will on our customers' experience while relieving our customer care team of selling accessories.

Topics: partner communications


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