You're Invited to Join Our Partner Call This Thursday, March 21st!
We hope you will be able to call in to our Partner meeting on March 21, 2019 from 11:00am ET until 1:00pm ET. We’ll be covering several topics, with a complete agenda to follow shortly. Please make every effort to attend this call!
We will be covering the following new products:- MimioClarity classroom audio system
- MimioInteract collaborative lessons
- Mimio MicroCloud classroom content cloud
- NDMS for the ProColor displays
- Unplug’d for the ProColor displays
- MimioStudio™ 12 classroom software
- MyBot robotic system
- Boxlight EOS professional development
Call-In Information
Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App
Join by phone:
Toll-free number: +1 (866) 659-6187 53558103# (dial-in number), English (United States)
Toll number: +1 (206) 800-4377 53558103# (dial-in number), English (United States)
Conference ID: 53558103
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