Partner Insider

Partner Resources Sales Opportunity Registration Update

Posted by John Campbell on Aug 31, 2016 11:52:41 AM

Boxlight Mimio is pleased to announce that the updated Sales Opportunity Registration (SOR) form based on the Boxlight Mimio consolidated price list is now LIVE!   Boxlight Mimio partners can now submit a Sales Opportunity Registration for any product on the Boxlight Mimio price list.

The purpose of Sales Opportunity Registration is to insure that the Boxlight Mimio partner that develops an opportunity is able to close the opportunity without competition from other Boxlight Mimio partners.   Our competitors are Smart, Promethean, Epson etc., not other Boxlight Mimio partners.  A win by any Boxlight Mimio partner should be viewed as a win for all Boxlight Mimio partners.   The Boxlight Mimio SOR process was developed by Mimio and is considered to be one of the best sales opportunity registration programs in the industry.

For former Boxlight partners and new Boxlight Mimio partners that are not familiar with the Sales Opportunity Registration process, following is a brief overview:

  • A partner must include an approved SOR number on all purchase orders.
    • Order entry will verify the SOR number when processing orders and reject any order without an approved SOR.
    • With an approved SOR, the partner cost is the discounted partner price on the price list.
    • Without an approved SOR, the partner cost is either the Commercial MSRP price or the GOV/ED RRSP price.
  • A registration should be submitted via the Partner Portal as soon as you have identified and qualified a sales opportunity.
    • If the Boxlight Mimio Regional Manager approves the SOR, you will receive an “APPROVED” email with an SOR number to be included on your PO.
    • If the Boxlight Mimio Regional Manager disapproves the SOR, you will receive a “DECLINED” email.
  • An approved SOR may be updated and/or extended with the approval of the Boxlight Mimio Regional Manager.
    • Approved SORs are valid for a specified time; If the opportunity is not closed within the specified time, the SOR expires and is no longer valid.
    • Partners are solely responsible for updating and/or extending an approved SOR.
  • Keep It Simple!   A new SOR is not required for the following
    • Accessories (bulbs, pens, power cords, etc.) may be ordered using the most recently approved SOR number for that customer regardless of the current status of that SOR (expired, closed, etc.).
    • An approved SOR should be updated/extended and used for follow-on orders associated with large projects.

Please contact your Regional Manager or GDI, if you have any questions about Sales Opportunity Registration.

Thank you for being a Boxlight Mimio partner and Good Selling!



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