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Relief Funding PD: Implementing Evidence-Based Activities

Posted by Boxlight on Jun 9, 2021 11:00:00 AM


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework that helps teachers create flexible learning environments that can accommodate students’ unique learning needs. Research shows that when teachers incorporate UDL, they are better able to meet the comprehensive needs of their students, including students with learning disabilities. The goal of UDL is to implement a variety of methods to engage students, represent information, and encourage students to actively participate and express themselves. Essentially, the application of UDL eliminates barriers to learning.

Boxlight-EOS Education has developed professional development content to acquaint teachers with the UDL Framework, then use UDL guidelines to create curriculum to meet the needs of all students in their classroom. Teachers will learn to incorporate digital tools available to help provide access to their students, designing instruction that is flexible and engaging.

For more on this professional development offering, click here: Implementing Evidence-Based Activities and Instruction 

To learn about the Boxlight-EOS suite of professional development courses, visit

Topics: Professional Development for Teachers, Funding, Relief Package


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