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MimioBoard Naming Convention Clarified

Posted by Holly Fritz-Palao on Oct 28, 2014 10:52:39 AM
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MimioBoard_touch_namingWe have heard from some members of our sales team and from some of our partners that questions have been raised about the name of Mimio's new touch board ("the MimioBoard™ touch board") and about descriptors in general. As the creative manager for Mimio, I get this type of question a lot — especially after we introduce a new product. So I would like to clear up the confusion.

We named our latest touch board MimioBoard, because we see it as an extension of our fixed interactive whiteboard line. In the future, as we make new updates or add new features to products -- for example, Touch -- the descriptors will change. So, if we add Touch to the MimioProjector™ interactive projector, its full name will become the MimioProjector touch projector. Previous versions of the Mimio projector will retain the old name. This naming convention is why there are now two different MimioBoard product names: the MimioBoard interactive whiteboard and the MimioBoard touch board.

All Mimio product names are trademarked, and trademarks function as adjectives instead of nouns. That’s why we add a “descriptor” to each product name – for example, “the MimioTeach™ interactive whiteboard.” In addition to protecting the trademark status of our product names, the descriptors serve to explain what type of device each product is. To avoid too much repetition of descriptors in our copy, we sometimes substitute other terms. For example, instead of repeating “the MimioTeach interactive whiteboard” over and over, we might say “the MimioTeach device.” Or, we might drop the trademarked product name and say, for example, “Mimio’s interactive projector” instead of “the MimioProjector interactive projector.”

Product names and trademarks can often be confusing, so we include a section in our brand guidelines that outlines the descriptors for all of our products. You can download the Brand Guidelines from Partner Resources.


If you have any questions or just want to run something by me about trademarks and naming in general, please feel free to email me


Thank you,

Holly Fritz-Palao
Creative Manager, Mimio


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