Partner Insider

MimioTeach and MimioCapture SPIFF: September 1 - October 31, 2013

Posted by Steve Mefford on Aug 30, 2013 5:30:00 AM

Steve-Mefford-HeadshotGold and Silver Partners: MimioTeach and MimioCapture SPIFF for You!

I want to pass along a new SPIFF opportunity for Silver and Gold Partners that involves the MimioTeach™ interactive whiteboard and MimioCapture™ ink recorder. From September 1, 2013 through October 31, 2013, for every MimioTeach device (SKU # 1762262) or MimioTeach and MimioCapture 3 Bundle (SKU # 1887421) you sell, you will receive $10 and/or $20 respectively, in the form of a VISA gift card.

You are already very familiar with the selling points of the MimioTeach interactive whiteboard. Please keep in mind the following key points when selling the NEW MimioCapture ink recorder:

  • Portable desktop charging station that plugs into any wall outlet, for easy recharging of the pens and erasers away from the board.
  • Convenient magnetic pen and eraser holder adheres to any steel surface, so users can keep the dry erase pens within easy reach while at the board
  • Lets you capture dry erase notes from more than one 4’ x 8’ surface in a room by just moving the MimioTeach bar (the new page and copy page buttons are on the MimioTeach bar).
  • Lets you capture notes from a flip chart by putting the MimioTeach bar next to the flip chart paper and using the MimioCapture pens with flip chart markers. 

If you are a Gold Partner, your Mimio Territory Manager has already reached out to you letting you know about an additional 5% off stocking orders of the MimioTeach device and MimioTeach and MimioCapture Bundles from August 16, 2013 through August 30, 2013 in preparation of this SPIFF.

Please read through the terms and conditions below to make sure you fully understand this SPIFF program. You will need to submit all SPIFF Excel spreadsheets by November 15, 2013. For more information, please contact your local Mimio Territory Manager.


Terms of the SPIFF for Partners

The SPIFF program is valid only for Silver and Gold Partners. The partner company will need to submit all MimioTeach and MimioCapture 3 SPIFFs in one email. Each eligible sales rep should have a separate Excel spreadsheet that includes contact information, sales results for MimioTeach and MimioTeach and MimioCapture 3 Bundle sales from September 1, 2013 until October 31, 2013 and all other data outlined in the Excel spreadsheet necessary to receive the earned SPIFF.  

To receive the earned SPIFF for the MimioTeach (SKU # 1762262) and MimioTeach and MimioCapture 3 Bundle (SKU # 1887421), the Excel spreadsheets must be submitted to Mimio at by November 15, 2013. After processing these requests, we will mail out the earned SPIFFs to eligible sales reps within 60 days. 

A 1099 will be sent to any rep with accrued earnings in excess of $600. Method of payment may be gift card, check, or other, as determined by Newell Rubbermaid.  For more information about this SPIFF program, please contact your local Mimio Territory Manager or


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