Partner Insider

MimioTeach SPIFF Payout

Posted by Steve Mefford on Feb 11, 2014 7:30:00 AM


I know those of you who participated in the MimioTeach SPIFF that ended December 31, 2013 are eagerly awaiting your SPIFF.  The Reseller Partner Rep will be paid out and the partner account will be credited by the end of February. 

Mimio Reseller Partner Reps who are receiving SPIFF payouts, we’ve decided that it makes more sense to send you a check for the full SPIFF amount you earned instead of the gift card you have received from SPIFF programs in the past.  Be on the lookout for your SPIFF check which will be sent to the address you provided us.  If you do not receive your check by the first week of March, please email




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