Partner Insider

More Info on the $50 Teach SPIFF

Posted by Steve Mefford on Nov 5, 2013 5:30:00 AM

Steve-Mefford-HeadshotMimioTeach $50 SPIFF


After talking to a few of you, it seems like we didn’t fully get across all of the details of the MimioTeach interactive whiteboard SPIFF:

  • $50 SPIFF per MimioTeach sold
  • Minimum of 10 MimioTeach units sold per school to qualify for the SPIFF

For instance, if you sell 12 MimioTeach interactive whiteboards to a school on one PO then you, the sales rep, will receive $600 VISA gift card (12 MimioTeach units x $50) AND the Reseller Partner Company also will receive a credit note of $600.

To read more about the promotion including the terms of the SPIFF, please go to the initial communication about the MimioTeach $50 SPIFF blog post.

Topics: Promotion/Program


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