Partner Insider

NEW eBook: The Big Guide to STEM

Posted by Holly Fritz-Palao on Nov 3, 2017 1:55:56 PM
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TheBigGuidetoSTEM_cover.jpgWe are thrilled to bring you a new guide to help schools with their STEM resources. We developed this informative piece with educators and administrators. In this guide, we dive into the many ways to incorporate STEM learning into the classroom.

The guide provides:

  • Best practices to engage students in STEM.
  • Top 10 STEM resource lists to help you do everything from finding the perfect math app or funding opportunity to staying inspired with STEM blogs and online communities.
  • A how-to guide for creating hands-on STEM lessons.
  • And much more!

We will be promoting this guide through PR, email, blogs, social media, and call outs on our website. The landing page for this guide is located at

You can access the guide on Partner Resources,



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