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NEW GUIDE: Whole-Class Learning Solutions

Posted by Holly Fritz-Palao on Feb 15, 2017 9:10:27 AM
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WholeClassGuide_Tablet.pngWe are excited to announce the launch of our newest guide, A Helpful Guide to Interactive Solutions in the Classroom. This new content piece, which will be released this week, makes selecting whole-class learning solutions easy! 

We understand that as our customers strive to find ways to better engage students and motivate learning, they recognize that using interactive technology in the classroom is key. But the search for the right choice of interactive solution—one that offers clear images, touch technology, collaborative abilities, and seamless integration—can be daunting. We created this guide to cut through all the jargon and hype to help them find the right solution for their curriculum, teachers, students, and budget. 

Our interactive solutions guide includes:

  • Top 8 factors to consider when selecting new tech.
  • Pros and cons for each interactive solution.
  • An infographic detailing the display/interactive size to cost.
  • Resources for lessons, training, and more.

We will be supporting this guide through a press release, email, social media, and a blog post. We will also have a follow-up email campaign for everyone who downloads the guide asking if they are interested in a consultation. You should start seeing those leads 10–14 days after the launch. 

You can find this guide on Partner Resources at

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