Partner Insider

Partner Assessment - Deadline May 31st

Posted by Steve Mefford on May 1, 2014 9:00:00 AM


Just a reminder that the Mimio Partner Assessment is due by the end of this month!  We are requiring all of our reseller partners’ sales reps to pass our updated 25-question assessment by May 31, 2014.  This assessment is to ensure you understand the Authorized Mimio Partner Program, know what’s available on Partner Resources and on the Mimio website, and have adequate understanding of all Mimio products and training programs. Sales reps may reference any of these resources while completing the assessment. Each Mimio Reseller Partner Sales Rep must score 80% or higher (answer 20 questions correctly) to pass. 


To take this test, please see this link.   




Again, you have until May 31st to complete this assessment.  Per the Authorized Reseller Partner Program commitment, if even one of your sales reps fails to complete this onboarding certification by May 31st, we will suspend your account until you are back in compliance.


Topics: Partner Training, General


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