Partner Insider

Track and Submit Your SPIFF with Our NEW Online Form

Posted by Steve Mefford on Apr 23, 2015 2:00:00 PM

Track and Submit Your SPIFF Easily with Our New Online Form

On April 1 we announced a new SPIFF program designed to reward you for the sales of key Mimio products. We have just created a form for you to easily track your progress for the current month and submit your SPIFF after the month ends.

5_ReminderYou must submit the SPIFF for a month within
the first 5 business days after the end of the month.



Find The Form Through Quick Links on Your Partner Resources Home Page

Login to Partner Resources and look for the link to the SPIFF form at the top of Quick Links. If we don’t have a recent W-9 from you then the form will ask you to fill out a W-9 and send it to customer care. You will then be able to track and submit your SPIFF.

To see the complete details please visit the previous SPIFF blog here.>>

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