We'd like to provide you with the updated price sheet before we launch NEW MimioMobile, MimioStudio and MimioDisplay at ISTE. We are projecting the press release about the new products will go out Thursday, June 26. Any time after the press release is live on our website you can start talking about the new products, add MimioDisplay to your website, etc.
Please reach out to your Territory Manager or distributor for the latest pricelist reflecting the latest changes. All changes to the current price list and supporting docs are described below:
Changes to the current Mimio Pricing Doc:
- Updated price sheet to reflect our new shipping policy
- Added 6 SKUs: MimioDisplay and MimioDisplay accessories
Support Documents:
- The following items are available in Partner Resources under Brochures and Sell Sheets
- All Product Brochure with NEW MimioDisplay
- MimioDisplay Sell Sheet
- MimioStudio Sell Sheet
- MimioMobile Sell Sheet
- MimioDisplay Launch Kit
- MimioDisplay Photography
Please note for MimioProjector, MimioDisplay and their product accessories, there is no stocking discount.
If after receiving this pricing doc you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your Mimio Territory Manager or distributor. Happy Monday!